Protecting Our Local Schools: A Call to Action from the Denton County Democratic Party

As proud members of the Denton County Democratic Party, we recognize that our public schools are not just the heart of our community; they are the very lifeblood of our local economy and the bedrock of our society, particularly in suburban areas like ours. Our commitment to education extends beyond the classroom as we eagerly participate in "Open House" nights for our youngest students, support school dances, and celebrate the achievements of those who earn scholarships. And let's not forget the cherished Friday night lights that light up our towns, made possible by our publicly funded schools. That's the truth we hold dear.

However, there's an impending threat looming in Austin, where Republican legislators are working to defund our public schools and redirect those funds to unaccountable private institutions. This alarming proposition would have dire consequences for our community. Teachers, support staff, bus drivers, and athletic coaches could lose their jobs, leaving families devastated. Parents' voices would be silenced in school board meetings, eroding our influence on our children's education. Even worse, the cost of educating our kids would skyrocket as public funds are diverted to support hefty corporate salaries.

Let's be clear: this is not the path we should follow. Our students and educators are far too important to have their funding stripped away. Our local schools are integral to our economy, with some of our ISDs being the largest employers in the county, we cannot afford to experiment with a scheme that risks putting a significant portion of our workforce out of jobs. It's our moral duty to ensure that no child is left behind, especially those with special needs who rely on our schools for crucial support.

We urge every concerned citizen to take action now. Write to your State Representative and Senator and deliver a resounding message: "Don't Florida our Texas schools." Stand firmly against any and all voucher schemes that threaten to undermine our public education system. These schemes are detrimental to our communities and, more importantly, to our children's futures.

In unity and determination, let us safeguard our public schools, protect our educators' jobs, and secure a bright future for the next generation. Together, we can ensure that our local schools remain the pillars of our community, offering quality education and opportunities to all, regardless of their background or abilities.

Toni Adkins

Toni Adkins is a seasoned professional with a career spanning both corporate leadership and entrepreneurship. As the former Vice President of Operational Risk Management at JPMorgan Chase Bank, and presently as an Independent Marketing Strategist, Toni has a strong foundation in Business Leadership & Professional Development. Excelling in diverse range of roles, showcasing a unique blend of communication, marketing, and management skills and experiences that make her a sought-after expert in leadership and operational excellence.


Democracy in Denton County: Ending Gerrymandering and Empowering Your Vote!