Denton County Democratic Party Chair Responds to Proposed Commissioners Court Redistricting Maps

Press Advisory
For Immediate Release


Contact: Delia Parker-Mims, Chairwoman
Call: 469-464-9427


DENTON - On October 28, the Denton County Commissioners Court made preliminary redistricting maps public, providing Denton County residents less than two weeks to provide public testimony. The deadline to approve maps, as set by the Commissioners Court, is November 9. The proposed maps include major changes to Commissioner Precinct 2 and 4 that would decrease the competitiveness of the seat and strengthen Republican control over the Commissioners Court.

DCDP Chairwoman Delia Parker-Mims issued the following statement: “While other counties in Texas began holding hearings on redistricting maps more than a month ago, the Denton County Commissioners Court has waited until the absolute last minute to release proposed redistricting plans. Now the Court is only providing Denton County residents a narrow window to express their voices and testify on the proposed plans, giving only two opportunities to present suggestions or recommendations to how our community will be represented for the next decade. Furthermore, with the filing period for state or county offices beginning on November 13, potential candidates for Precinct 2 and 4 will have limited time to discuss possible runs for these seats.”

“Throughout this redistricting process, the Commissioners Court has shown their desire to silence Denton County residents’ voices and control this process on their own. As we can see in the proposed map, the Court is not interested in creating Precincts that take into consideration the growing diversity in Denton County. The Commissioners Court gerrymandering ensures that Republicans will have little competition in Precincts that are up for reelection in 2022.”

Denton County residents interested in speaking at the Commissioners Court meeting on Tuesday, November 2, or on November 9 are encouraged to email Mary Infante at Online public input can also be submitted at:


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